Why your past lives are important for your soul’s calling
Circle of Life
We are born, we live and we die. But that might not mean it’s game over.
What if, as non-physical spiritual entities and soul’s, we simply choose to incarnate in this time and in this place for a reason?
What my client’s tell me time and time again, is that we treat Earth as a place to experience emotions in a way that we can’t in spirit form. It’s through the challenges, trials, tribulations and personal development of being in human form that our soul grows, develops and progresses.
I like to think of our incarnations like a computer game – we are born with a calling, something that we need to find (usually within ourselves), learn or experience. And if we die without achieving that, then we reincarnate over and over until we do. Once we achieve our soul’s purpose, we progress up a level in our personal and spiritual growth.
You chose this life
Before we come into each life, our soul plans out what we are going to experience. If you’ve ever had really challenging times in this life, the chances are that you agreed to it in advance. Whilst that might seem hard to comprehend, it’s what we learn from the difficulties that we overcome which enable our soul to grow and our consciousness to expand.
Why are past lives important in this life?
Understanding our Past lives in this life is important for 3 reasons:
1. Blocks, Fears and Limitations
We can develop blocks, fears and limitations in one life, which have imprinted onto our soul. We carry these from lifetime to lifetime, as part of our personality and who we think we are. You might recognise them as unexplainable fears, phobias or a resistance to something or someone.
Sometimes we can even carry them physically from life to life too! It’s quite common for clients to tell me they have a birthmark or an unexplained mark or scar at the same place as they were fatally wounded in past lives. For others it can be a chronic health condition which is linked to the way we passed in a previous lifetime – such as drowning in a past live, and experiencing lung problems in this life.
Left unaddressed, these fears, beliefs and blocks hold us back, they shape what we think we can and can’t do – which is no more than the mind’s way of keeping us safe and alive in this life for as long as possible.
But as the old saying goes – the only limits are those we create for ourselves. Once we understand that at a soul level, it’s easy to let go of old outdated beliefs, because we can simply recognise that they were never really ours to start with. It’s like changing jobs and taking old processes with you – when you start your new role you discover you’re not bound by the rules of the previous job, you can approach it with fresh eyes and do it any way you want. This life is really a blank piece of paper, and you can be and do whatever you wish.
Two of the biggest fears connected to past lives is the fear of failing or fear of not being good enough. Once we can recognise that life is simply a playground, we come to learn, have fun, experiment, experience and grow – the less seriously we take ourselves in this life. That doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate the life we are in – quite the opposite, it unlocks a childlike joy and wonder for the world we find ourselves in.
2. Jump off the wheel
If we have a mission; a lesson we need to learn, or something specific that we need to discover or experience and we don’t complete that mission in one life time, we come back life after life with the same purpose until we finally understand it. That’s the principle of karma. Sometimes it’s called the wheel of samara. We get trapped in a hamster wheel of repeating patterns and behaviours (because that’s what our soul has learned) making the same mistakes over and over – a bit like Ground Hog Day.
When we are able to explore past lifetimes, we can identify those patterns and understand how we are repeating the same behaviours again today. That insight is usually the missing piece of the jigsaw that enables us to break the cycle, and approach life in an entirely new way. Toxic relationships might fall away, self-destructive behaviour turns into positive empowering behaviour and we find that we understand ourselves a whole lot more.
3. Unlocking your gifts
Often in past lives we have developed and honed our skills or gifts over multiple lifetimes. By connecting with the part of ourselves that is connected to those lives, we can energetically bring them forward into this lifetime. Sometimes that takes the form of being able to pick up a hobby, craft or skill easily in this life, for others it might open up spiritual connection, or further expand their consciousness.
If you want to enhance and develop your spiritual connection, uncover your soul’s calling, and feel confident to embody it. There are just 4 spaces left to work with me this month, so if you feel called to go deeper than ever before, book a free 15 minute discovery call and let’s have a chat about how I can help you.
About the author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.