5 Reasons Why Spiritual Hypnosis is Better Than Meditation
Many of us find it hard to slow down our thinking mind. You probably know that there are documented health benefits of meditation but, if every time you try to meditate, your mind runs off to think about the tasks waiting for you on your to list, or that you need to call your mother back, or to pay that bill, then the process of meditation can feel like yet another chore on the list. Something which is supposed to relax our mind becomes an added pressure, with the benefits often negated because we can’t ‘find the zen state’ we feel we’re meant to.
Whilst we think that it’s our conscious mind which is running the show, actually over 95% of our daily thoughts and actions are driven by the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is like a giant data warehouse of all of our thoughts, feelings, memories and experiences – but it can also be a gateway into a greater spiritual connection by enabling us to connect with our higher self, our soul, spirit guides and even source itself.
What’s the difference?
At the most basic level – there is little difference between hypnosis and meditation. They are both experiences which can help the user access a ‘trance’ or altered state of consciousness. There are a lot of similarities between them... they can both include accessing deeply relaxed physical and mental states plus use visualisation techniques, and both can change your mindset.
Hypnosis is sometimes called meditation with a goal – a hypnosis experience often involves setting a specific outcome ahead of a session. Whilst you can of course set an intention before meditation, there are processes and procedures that can help maintain focus on the outcome that are easier to apply in hypnosis. Some people believe that ‘pure’ meditation does not have a designated outcome or goal, and that true meditation is simply about emptying the mind.
What is spiritual hypnosis?
Spiritual hypnosis uses modern hypnotherapy tools and techniques to enable the individual to slow down their brain wave states, and access parts of their mind which are not readily available to the conscious mind on a day-to-day basis. Those tools can often make it easier to slow the mind down than traditional meditation techniques.
Hypnosis is a way of accessing a trance state, and many ancient cultures have been using trance states to have esoteric experiences for millennia.
So why is it better?
First and foremost, the title of this blog is a little tongue in cheek – neither are necessarily better than the other, but some people might find spiritual hypnosis more effective for them.
Here are 5 reasons why I believe that to be true:
1. Spiritual hypnosis can be easier to access – if you find it hard to meditate, and feel like simply closing your eyes and focusing on your breath doesn’t help you to relax, hypnosis techniques can make it easier to slow down the mind, and access a state of deep relaxation.
2. Getting answers from your subconscious mind in meditation can sometimes feel hit and miss. You might find that either you don’t get the answers that you’re looking for – or that you’re so busy you miss them if they do come in! Spiritual hypnosis can help guide you directly to the outcome. It’s a great technique to be able to chat directly with the subconscious – and it’s usually more than happy to be recognised and co-operate.
3. Spiritual experiences can be accessed from a hypnotic trance state: you might find that you can connect directly with your guides, angels, or be able to access the Akashic Records, past life memories or even recall memories from the in-between life state.
4. There are a wide range of excellent techniques that can be applied to heal emotional or mindset blocks, creating a feeling of freedom and release.
5. Accessing the subconscious mind via a hypnotic state can make change easier and longer lasting because you can negotiate and rationalise with the subconscious mind.
If you find meditation a challenge but want to explore the depths of your soul’s consciousness for personal and spiritual growth, spiritual hypnosis can be an excellent alternative. If you’d like any guidance on giving it a go or continuing your practice if you have tried spiritual hypnosis before- or if you simply have further questions- then please do find me on social media or email me at helen@helenhardware.com
About the Author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.