How to tell who you were in a past life (and why it matters!)
First of all... What are past lives?
Past lives are part of the theory of reincarnation. Reincarnation is the principle that we all have a non-physical essence which, after the death of a human form, is born again into a new body, and lifetime. This concept is a key part of many of the world’s religions, especially those of Asian traditions, and even early Christianity included these principals. It’s often assumed that the theory of reincarnation was removed from the Christian bible during the Council of Nicaea in around 553 AD.
Why would I want to know who I was in a past life?
Many people are interested to find out who they were in a past life; it can be fun, insightful and healing too.
Although some people believe that they were a famous historical figure, there are even online quizzes which will tell you that you were a famous writer, politician or royalty. In reality, most past lives are actually pretty ‘ordinary’ – but that doesn’t mean finding out who you were is any less interesting or helpful to discover!
Often there is a connection between something we can observe in this life; a relationship, a habit, a fear or a gift or skill, and the lives we had before we came into this one. Sometimes a physical illness can have a connection to a past life experience or condition. For example, unexplained pain in a body area can relate to an injury sustained in a past life; or someone who experiences lung problems might discover that they drowned in a past life. In some cases, simply having the awareness of the connection creates a healing response in the current lifetime, as we recognise that the issue isn’t ‘ours’ yet is something we have been carrying on a spiritual level.
So who was I in a past life?
Whilst I can’t tell you who you were, when you’ve lived and what you did, there are some clues that might give you a sense:
1. Déjà vu – This is that strange feeling that we can get sometimes where it feels like we have experienced a particular moment before. Déjà vu can be a sign that you’ve had a very similar experience before – possibly in a past life.
2. Unexplained knowledge or skills – have you ever read something for the first time and thought ‘I already know this’? Or visited some place new and yet intuitively knew your way around? Or perhaps you have tried a sport, craft, or other form of skill and found that you have a natural talent, or that it comes exceptionally easy to you. This could be from knowledge and skills acquired in previous lifetimes and energetically imprinted in your soul memory showing up again.
3. Unreasonable fears or phobias – sometimes trauma from past lives can show up as a fear or phobia in this life. For example; if you have an irrational fear of water or swimming in this lifetime, you might have experienced drowning, or lost a loved on that way, in a previous life.
4. Reoccurring dreams – dreams are the subconscious mind’s way of processing information and communicating with us. If you find that you have the same dream over and over, it could be a past life memory that the mind needs to release and heal to be able to move forwards. Alternatively, it could just be an important memory that the soul wants you to remember because it would help you in this life.
5. Feeling drawn to a particular time or place – if you find a certain historic period, event or location to be unusually interesting it might be that you lived or visited there in a past life time. You might feel it as an energetic connection, or as an academic interest. Next time you visit a museum, pay attention to any artefacts or periods that draw you to them.
Want to know more?
If you want to uncover your past lives and retrieve soul memories that can help you in this life time, past life regression could be for you. It uses safe hypnosis techniques to guide you back to a time before this lifetime, whilst discovering who you were, what was important to you and what you’ve brought forward into this life. Anything that no longer serves you can be healed and released enabling you to create emotional and spiritual freedom.
Please email me at or find me on social media if you feel drawn towards uncovering your past. I have one 1:1 space at present for past life work, do let me know if it feels destined to be yours. DM me or book a free call and let’s talk it through.
About the Author
Helen Hardware helps lightworkers and starseeds to navigate their spiritual awakening, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.