Why the collective consciousness might be triggering past life trauma
In the last 3 weeks, almost everyone who has switched on the TV, radio or opened social media will be feeling the devastation and heartbreak unfolding as a result of the awful situation in Ukraine. I wrote last week about how, as empaths, we need to protect our vibrational energy so that we can serve humanity by working our light.
The collective consciousness is weighing heavy with fear, uncertainty and overwhelm. If you are an empath it’s highly probable that you are picking up on the lower vibrations in the collective consciousness right now.
As with all forms of trauma, what is happening may re-trigger deeply rooted fears from previous experiences in this life – or in past lives.
What is a trauma trigger response?
A trauma trigger is a psychological response to something that happens which fires up earlier, painful memories and the re-experiencing of the original emotional states which are still stored in the body and/or mind.
There might not be an obvious connection between the triggering event, and the original trauma, and any or all of the senses (see, hear, feel, touch, smell, taste) can be affected. For example, a former soldier might hear a car exhaust backfire, which triggers traumatic memories of gunfire in a combat situation, and their body responds with the same hormonal response (usually fight, flight or freeze) that they would have needed in the original experience in order to keep themselves safe.
Past Life Trauma
Many people are observing a physical bodily response to what they are seeing happening right now. For some this might manifest as feeling or being ill, it can show up as hyper-vigilance, or as tremendous sorrow.
Hearing about the terrible suffering that people are experiencing, and seeing pictures of the atrocities of war can bring up memories of past lives where we have experienced similar painful experiences – even if they are outside of our current lifetime.
When we have experienced living through, or dying as a result of war in previous lifetimes, our soul can, in some cases, continue to hold the energetic imprint of this trauma.
Seeing images or videos on the news or social media, or hearing victim’s stories can act as a trigger response for past life memories.
Sometimes past life trauma might show up as flashbacks to past life memories, or vivid dreams; either of the past life memories, or the situation impose onto our current lifetime (such as dreaming about the loss or injury of loved ones).
5 things that can help to feel as grounded, safe and as untriggered as possible
1. Explore strong emotions and fearful thoughts through journaling.
Great questions to ask are:
• What am I feeling right now?
• What is it that is causing these feelings?
• When have I felt like this before?
• What do I need in order to let go of these feelings?
2. Take energetic showers
Water is a powerful form of purification and this exercise can be done whilst in a regular shower, or simply by closing your eyes and visualising:
Begin by noticing the connection of your feet to the ground, feel how the floor is supporting your body weight, then bring your attention to the feeling of the water as it touches the skin (if you are doing this through visualisation techniques simply imagine how this feels), as you notice the water running downwards, imagine it cleaning your body and your energy field (or aura).
Visualise the water cleansing and purifying your physical and each of your energetic bodies as it does so. See any toxic feelings, thoughts, beliefs simply being washed away, and draining down the plug hole.
3. Use powerful positive affirmations
Affirmations such as ‘I am safe, I am whole, I am love’. Using the words I AM at the beginning of an affirmation creates an energetic charge. Try saying these (or create your own) and see if you can feel it.
4. Practice EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
Tapping releases physical trauma stored in the body, moving it out of a fight/flight/freeze response so that you feel calmer and can think more clearly.
5. Work with an experienced hypnotherapist
There will be trauma you simply won’t be able to access by yourself. An experienced hypnotherapist such as myself will help to identify your past life trauma, heal the original experience and release the energetic charge which your soul has been carrying from life to life.
Please book a free 15 minutes discovery call should you wish to talk it through, identifying and healing deep rooted past trauma might just help you feel lighter during the times we find ourselves in. I would love to guide you on your healing journey.
About the author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.