Get to know me…
Hi, I’m Helen.
I help spiritual entrepreneurs like you; passionate about your business and dreaming of success, but the only problem is that you repeatedly doubt yourself and are afraid to take the action that you need to in order to get where you want to be.
You feel like a fraud or ask yourself 'who am I to do this?' You hold yourself back from being visible because you worry what other people will think, you constantly compare yourself with those around you and feel like you aren't good enough or that everyone else is doing it better.
You’re afraid of trying and failing – or even what being successful might also bring with it!
You're sick of getting in your own way and self sabotaging.... you can feel that you are blocked by something but you don't really know why or what to do about it. You feel overwhelmed by all the things you 'should' do but that block is holding you back and you are procrastinating. That's where I come in.
Together we will uncover the blocks and beliefs buried deep in your subconscious mind, and set you free.
I've been there myself....

Why work with me?
I experienced low grade anxiety all my life, even as young as 6 years old I can remember laying awake at night worrying about things and I'd done or said.
Age 26 I fulfilled my ambition and qualified as a lawyer. I thought I had made it! I had my own office, secretary, even a plaque on the door with my name on it, but very quickly I was crippled by self-doubt, who was I to be a lawyer? I was crippled by fears of making a mistake and seeing all my hard work come crashing down around me.
I woke up to a feeling of dread every day and within 15 months I quit my career in law. I went on to have a successful career in financial services, but the old beliefs that I wasn't as good as my peers continued to haunt me, lurking in the background. The better the feedback I got the more I worried that I would be 'found out' and after a promotion, causing the impostor syndrome anxiety going through the roof I had a full blown burn out and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.
On my road to recovery I knew that I wanted to set up my own business. I'd dreamed of being an entrepreneur since a young age but felt like I had to have a career instead. Yoga was critical to my recovery and I dreamed of teaching yoga for burn out online. I signed up for the right courses but couldn't quite get myself to go public with my offer. It felt like an impossible dream, something that other people could do but I wasn't good enough, and I was worried what other people would think of me and what I was doing. In the end I attempted to launch in the most half-hearted way to crickets. I don't think anyone even watched my video saying that I was going to start offering a programme of yoga for burn out.
I felt ashamed of myself for failing and tried to console myself that at least I'd tried (I really hadn't!).
2 years later I found hypnotherapy, which quickly finds the root cause of self-limiting beliefs, heals old emotional wounds and retrains the mind.
The most limiting belief is believing that we are not enough.
This massively resonated with me. In one of my first experiences of hypnosis I understood how and why I'd developed the fatigue I was still experiencing from Fibromyalgia and in a heart beat I let it go. I've never had it back. I knew that this was life changing and couldn't wait to set up my own business to help others.
The moment I did, all those old beliefs around feeling not good enough, questioning who was I to do this, worrying about what other people would think of me and my business kicked in once more. I felt overwhelmed by all the emotional baggage that came with those thoughts and I found myself procrastinating.
I set off on a journey of self-discovery, self acceptance and self-love.
Along the way I let go of old emotional wounds from childhood, shed self-limiting beliefs and even healed experiences from past lives; until I found who I really was, and learned to love myself. When this happened I unleashed my confidence and courage to go after my dreams, to get visible, without worrying about what anyone else thought.
When I look back now and reflect on my journey I realise that I had to experience impostor syndrome for so many years, to feel like I was not enough, feel frozen by fears of what other people might think and worrying about trying and failing so that I can help others on their journey.
As I have invested in myself, done the deep inner work and developed my mindset, my life, health and business have gone from strength to strength - and yours can too!