“Before working with Helen, I was feeling unmotivated and lacking in confidence to take action on my dreams. I was suffering with procrastination/perfectionism that Helen helped me to realised was actually a form of self-sabotage from not believing that I was enough or worthy of success. I was having moments of 'doing' but I felt like I was floating around with no grounding into what I was doing.
I knew my vision and dream life but I didn't feel that it was ever going to happen for me.
In a world where we constantly look outward for guidance and validation all I needed to do it look inside of me!
Since working with Helen I am more dedicated than ever to make my dreams become my reality. I am putting myself and my work out there to be seen. I do believe in my talents and gifts are unique and it more than ok to not be everyone’s 'cup of tea'.
I no longer feel everything has to be polished and fully ready before I can share it. I understand that nothing will ever be perfect. I know that I am worthy of all the success coming my way.
I feel like I've made a shift from Girl to Woman... I feel powerful and even when I don't feel that things aren’t going my way... I know I can work it out. I feel like I am being taken seriously in my business, because I’m taking myself seriously. If you’re thinking about working with Helen, Just say YES!”
— Abbey Wainwright, Kent UK
“When I first started working with Helen, I was struggling with imposter syndrome. Even though I have extensive schooling, experience, and knowledge in my field of study; I continued to feel like I was falling short feeling as though I will “never be good enough.” This often manifested as perfectionism and overcompensation to prove that I’m worthy.
Since my sessions with Helen, I feel grounded, focused, and complete. I don’t doubt myself, my position within my relationships, or my abilities!”
— Galadriel M., Iowa
I recently had a huge period of anxiety that had become very all encompassing and was impacting many areas of my life, and something drew me to work with Helen.
I have never had hypnotherapy before but my instincts were that I needed to try a different approach to deal with some unresolved perfectionism tendencies.
From the very first session I felt huge shifts and then over time listening to the recording I slowly started to notice that actually the anxiety was lessening and the waves were coming less frequently.
It gave me an opportunity to really show myself the evidence that I needed to not drop back into old patterns - I felt like I was being rewired gently and slowly - but in a way that really feels like it has embedded instead of just a passing phase.
The support and nurture from Helen throughout the process really helped - and knowing she was there rooting for me made it feel less daunting at times.
I would thoroughly recommend anyone who is curious to work with Helen - it is an empowering and yet so nurturing process that has literally changed my life.
— Lauren B., Sevenoaks
“I have experience with very different modalities but when I became aware of Helen and her Past Life Regression I was really intrigued to learn more about it.
I had some issues that I needed a whole different perspective on.
Helen is a wonderfully skilled, empathic and knowledgeable therapist. She guided me through a fascinating experience to gain insight and understandings that helped me with the presenting problems and why I felt so stuck.
Since my past life session I feel much lighter and more positive towards myself and the future. It feels like some weight has been lifted.
If you are looking for a therapist that can help you in a holistic way, I cannot recommend you Helen enough.
We all are indeed much more than we think.
I am very grateful.
— Lena B., Munich
“I had so many profound insights & take aways!!
I feel the biggest thing though was that I had been carrying a very limiting belief that it was not safe to have money, or be in in my power, because wealth equated to terrible abuse & me being in power was an additional invitation for abuse from others. It was extremely transformative to be able to safely open myself up to the time period where this belief was first created & anchored into my soul (1920’s) .
Once there, Helen helped me safely navigate the process of uprooting & transmuting those false beliefs. She then guided me on how to plant the seeds of my own truth about what I really believe about money & being in my power, which is that money/wealth/abundance are very safe, and being in my power is very safe, and that abundance & safety are my birth right.
If you are thinking about working with Helen, I highly recommend you honour that inner calling. There is a part of you that absolutely knows she is the soul’s meant to help you transition through this particular time in your life - trust your inner calling. As a trauma survivor, of many traumas, Helen is one of the safest people I have worked with, and I have worked with many people. Helen will guide you to the truth your soul’s highest good.”
— Christie Mark
“The work I did with Helen has allowed me to take full ownership of childhood/adolescent traumas - I had downgraded the events as a coping mechanism and having lived with my coping version for so long it had become my truth (mentally)!
I was shocked that it come up at all, but everything has divine timing and it needed to be released so I could continue up-levelling both professionally and personally.
If you are think of working with Helen, DO IT! Don't hesitate, the results speak for themselves and you are in safe, very capable hands..”
— Claire Ateyo
During my Starseed Connect session with Helen I experienced being in the development of a new planet.
The position of everything was energetically determined and I felt a tremendous cleansing energy that was guiding me. I sensed the pooled wisdom of a number of beings, and was shown a symbol, which was a form of code to use in my personal meditation.
Since the session I have had a feeling of peace that I didn’t have, it’s like I’ve let go of something at a very deep level. I find I can more easily and authentically trust the universe without doubting myself.
I’ve had some amazing experiences whilst visualising my symbol - it’s been a form of activation. Whilst working with it I’ve found myself flying through the universe, through wormholes or portals visiting stars and galaxies, it feels like some kind of soul memory or imprint of other lifetimes has been awakened.
If you feel drawn to explore your galactic origins or connect to your soul purpose I’d highly recommend a Starseed Connection session with Helen.
— Sheetal Vithliani