A Starseed’s Journey
“The universe has much bigger plans for you than you ever dreamed of yourself” - Deepak Chopra
I laid on the grass on a barmy summer evening, aged 8, and allowed myself to feel lost in the vast cosmic expanse of twinkling stars in the black velvet sky. The beauty of the sky took my breath away. For a moment, time stood still and I remember feeling a deep sense of peace and a connection to everything, and everyone. I felt whole, and home. It was a moment of bliss. It felt like I was breathing in the essence of the stars themselves. In that moment, I knew that there was more to life than the 3D reality that seemed to be going on all around us. Have you ever felt like that? Many Starseeds feel inextricably drawn to the night sky. I still catch myself saying hello to the first star of the evening.
The bringers of the light
We might have incarnated on earth many times before (older souls who came to prepare the way), or we might be answering the call to help save the Earth and humanity, by choosing to come into human form for the first time. But what all Starseeds have in common is that at some point, they have incarnated outside of Earth – on other planets, star systems, galaxies or even other dimensions.
Often Starseeds feel out of place, like they don’t quite fit into life on Earth somehow, with an underlying longing to go ‘home’ even if they have no idea what or where home is.
More often than not, Starseeds have a deep sense that they are here for a reason, but may not know what it is. The frustration which accompanies that is often tinged with a sense of time running away from them – they know they are here for a reason and need to crack on with it, if only they could remember what it was and why.
As a spiritual guide and coach, I take my client’s deeper than others. Many coaches (myself included) return to childhood experiences to identify the source of a fear, resistance, limitation or block. But often, our childhood experiences are retriggering events from previous lives; other incarnations, on Earth or somewhere else entirely. By exploring the depths of our soul we create rapid growth, through mental, emotional and spiritual expansion
Remember where you come from - and why you came
One of my early Starseed clients, Jane* came to me because she repeatedly heard the message ‘remember where you came from’ during her meditations and she had no idea what it meant. It was driving her mad. No matter what she had tried in meditation; it was like a part of her mind was just out of reach.
Many Starseeds have that same feeling. They know that they are different in some way. They are often highly empathic, and feel disconnected from life on Earth. I took Jane on a journey back to another time and another place. During our time working together Jane experienced two other life times; firstly as a young child on a beautiful green and blue water planet. For whatever reason the inhabitants of the planet had evacuated in a hurry. In the crowds, confusion and kerfuffle, Jane had become separated from her family. When the population left the planet, Jane was left behind – alone, scared and confused.
We returned to this life later, and Jane was an old woman. She had spent her life in isolation – and had learned to get by without the help of others. It was a hard existence, and often lonely. The message for Jane in this lifetime was, although she had a deep, powerful spiritual connection, and loved to spend long periods alone in meditation, she had chosen to come into human form in order to engage, connect with others and experience being part of a family, and a community.
In a galaxy far, far away...
In another session Jane found herself on a spaceship in another galaxy. This could be considered a parallel lifetime, as a part of Jane remained on the ship, whilst a holographic consciousness existed here on Earth. She was able to vividly describe the shape, structure and mechanics of the ship. Jane connected with her commanding officer, who was able to remind her of her cosmic origins and guide her through the ship. She finally understood the message that she had been receiving – and recognised that whilst she was drawn to Gia, and supporting and healing the Earth, her specific mission was connected to water (which was also why she had been shown her lifetime on a water planet).
I have had the pleasure of working with Jane on several occasions, in another session she returned to the ship, and connected with her soul group – many of whom were also here on Earth with her, as loved ones or friends. She received guidance and clarity on her soul’s calling and knows that she is fully supported, both divinely and in human form, to fulfil it.
On another occasion Jane uncovered an ancient life on Earth where she had been a sprite or elemental responsible for cleansing and healing water.
Through uncovering each of these lifetimes, Jane has been able to deepen her understanding of who she truly is, where she has been and why she is here today; unlocking the confidence to pursue her spiritual gifts, follow her soul’s calling and deepen her human experience. The last time I spoke to Jane, she told me that she was living in a perpetual state of bliss and that life just kept getting better and better.
If you’re ready to take your spiritual development to the next level, uncover who you truly are, where you’ve been and why you’re here, I have a couple of spaces left to work with me this month.
For more information send me a DM or book a free discovery call to find out more about whether we are a good fit to work together.
* Name has been changed for privacy reasons
About the Author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.