How your core beliefs effect your vibration
Have you ever walked into a room where two people have just had an argument and noticed that there’s something in the air? That’s because you are picking up on the energies and vibrations from their disagreement, every thought and emotion having it’s own vibrational frequency.
In last week’s blog (you can check it out here if you haven’t read it yet), I mentioned David R. Hawkins’ Map of Consciousness. Dr Hawkins used Applied Kinesiology to map emotions on a scale of 0-1000, with the level of our emotional states corresponding to our level of activity and productivity (the lowest level frequency emotions; shame, guilt, apathy, grief and fear all result in feelings of lack, inauthenticity and inaction).
The Map of Consciousness
Next on the Map of Consciousness are the ego driven emotions of desire, anger and pride which result in hyper activity.
The tipping point in the middle is courage – courage requiring the acceptance of personal responsibility and accountability. This is usually the emotional state where we are ready to release the need to blame others and face fears head on. When we make the decision to do so, we often find a hidden strength.
From this point on we move into higher frequency, empowering emotional states; firstly through neutrality, willingness and acceptance, where we release the need to be competitive, and find that we are more productive.
Next we enter into Reason – a state of being in flow and high performance.
At the highest level are love, and joy, where we feel happy, luckyma and abundant, before rising up to peace and enlightenment where we can experience spontaneous healing.
So how do we get there?
Whilst all of this is fascinating, how do we move up the scale from feeling stuck to feeling empowered, happy and in flow?
A lot of it is to do with the way we think!
Scientists have shown that our thoughts create our emotions. In most cases it’s not the outside world or situation that causes our emotional reaction – it’s the mental filter that we process the world through that causes the situation.
Two people can have exactly the same experience, and yet respond completely differently. That’s because their internal thoughts analyse and process the experience through their own unique filters and interpret the world differently. Those same filters create our internal dialogue and our inner assessment of who we are, our value and our place in the world.
But here’s the thing, all of this happens outside of our conscious mind.
How we think?
The National Science Foundation published a report in 2005 that estimated that the average person has between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts every single day! But it also found that out of those thoughts 95% were the same repetitive thoughts as the day before – and 80% were negative!
If we are thinking thousands of negative thoughts on a repeating loop each day, it’s not surprising that many people are feeling low vibration energy states. Those thoughts stem from our internal blueprint of core beliefs that are stored in our subconscious mind. Add in everything else we are dealing with and you can see how difficult raising your vibration can feel.
How we form our beliefs
The subconscious is like a giant data warehouse of all of our beliefs, thoughts, experiences, memories, emotions. It’s capacity is unlimited. At the most basic level, the mind has one job – to keep you alive. Every time we have an experience, the mind processes it and tries to learn from it so that it can keep us going.
If you have any experience that makes you feel uncomfortable, the mind tries to keep you safe and stop you from being exposed to the discomfort again (this is known as our comfort zone). It does that by creating core beliefs about ourselves, the world around us and our place in the world.
Beliefs that we aren’t good enough, less worthy than others, or unsafe in some way will create low level frequency emotions in an attempt to try to prevent us from taking action that will expose us to a perceived danger – which might be persecution, rejection or failure. As a result the mind will produce strong emotional responses such as fear.
The clue is in the world ‘perceived’ – just because the mind thinks something doesn’t mean that it’s real or a hard fact. That can be really hard to get past because fear feels pretty real when we are experiencing it!
How do we change it?
By understanding what our subconscious belief system is, and how we developed those beliefs we can change the meaning and interpretation of the events that created it.
When we do that, we can shift and release the emotional attachment that comes with it. Earlier I mentioned that two people can have the same experience but respond differently because they interpret it differently – and you can do the same thing by changing the interpretation of past experiences.
If you want to change your emotions you need to be aware of what you’re thinking and believing before you can start to change them:
Emotional Awareness: If you feel a strong emotional response, pause and identify what the emotion is. Can you label and identify it?
Become Aware of Your Thoughts: What are you telling yourself or what language to do you use when you talk about yourself? Write those thoughts down when you spot them.
Your belief system: What beliefs do you have about yourself that are creating those thoughts?
Truth or lie? Ask yourself if this belief is a hard fact, or whether it’s a story that you’ve been telling yourself. (Hint: if the answer is ‘it’s true for me’ – then it’s not a hard fact! It’s just a belief).
Change your Beliefs: Once you’re aware of your beliefs, you can begin to change them. As Abraham Hicks says, ‘A Belief is just a thought you continue to think’. The more you tell yourself empowering thoughts, the more you will raise up through the emotional scale and as you do, you’ll be raising your vibration, your productivity and enhancing your personal and spiritual development.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.