10 Super easy ways to raise your vibration
We are all spiritual beings having a human experience, and as such the human side of things can sometimes bring us down. With everything that’s happening around us, it’s easy to feel like our vibration has dropped, resulting in feeling less aligned with our spiritual side. So I’ve written this article to give you 10 easy ways to raise your vibration and feel connected again. Before I do, let’s dig a little deeper first…
You may be wondering is ‘feeling the vibrations’ spiritual nonsense?
My answer: not at all! Quantum physics has proved that everything we perceive as solid, is in fact matter vibrating at a high frequency creating an illusion that it’s solid –including human beings.
Have you ever walked into a room where other people have been arguing and had a sense of the disharmony in the air? That’s because they are most likely emitting hostile or negative energies towards each other, towards whatever just happened and possibly even to you if you walk in at the ‘wrong’ moment.
The Map of Consciousness
Sir David R Hawkins - spiritual teacher, psychiatrist, physician, researcher and lecturer, recorded the energy and vibrational frequency of human emotion and published his findings in the book The Map of Consciousness Explained. The map shows a scale of conscious level- with emotions such as shame and guilt having the lowest vibration- with love, joy, peach and enlightenment at the top of the scale.
These are often the emotions that don’t feel good yet- for many of us in human form- we can easily find these to be our default operating model.
Lower energy vibrations usually feel uncomfortable and include:
Can you feel the vibrations lower even as you read them?
How to raise your vibration
The good news is that nobody is ‘stuck’ in a lower vibrational energy, unless that is where they want to be. You can understand the level of vibration that you are currently emitting simply by recognising and identifying your emotions, you can then begin to focus on what you want to emit instead. Here are 10 easy ways to shift the heaviness of low vibrations and lift up to a higher frequency instead:
1 - Breathing Exercises
In yogic teachings, the breath brings in Prana- or life force- into the body. Long slow deep breaths can slow down the nervous system, allowing us to release stress and let go of the flight or flight response that many of us operate from most of the time. Simply bring the focus to the breath and become observant, notice the expansion and contraction of the rib cage, feel the temperature of the air on the nostrils – is it warm or cool?
2 - Ground Yourself
Being grounded means that you are present, or being in the moment. The more grounded you are, the more aware of that reality you can become as we perceive it is an illusion, which in turns raises your vibration. Feel your feet touching the ground (even better if you can actually stand barefoot on grass). Become aware of the parts of the feet that are making contact with the floor, and imagine long, thick roots coming out of the sole’s of the feet and down into the earth, holding you steady and strong, just like a tree puts down roots.
3 - Meditate
There are many ways to meditate; not all of them involve sitting on a cushion and chanting Om (although that’s totally cool too). If you’re new to meditation there are some awesome apps to guide you through the process. Or you might simply want to sit quietly and observe your thoughts as they pop up like bubbles, releasing them free from judgement. Meditation is called a ‘practice’ for a reason, and done regularly meditation can help quieten negative thoughts and replace them with loving compassionate ones.
4 - Be in Nature
Physically humans weren’t designed to spend all day indoors in front of a screen. Connecting with mother nature- whether it’s simply a walk outdoors, gardening, or just standing on grass- has a hugely beneficial effect on the body and mind. It enables us to disconnect from the matrix of life and connect to something that can create a different perspective. It’s also very grounding (see above).
5 - Do Yoga
Yoga isn’t just for really bendy people! The word yoga means ‘to unite’ in Sanskrit, and refers to the union of body mind and soul and there are yoga postures for all body types and sizes. Book a class, or follow a YouTube video, to release stress and connect to your inner being. A sure-fire way to raise your vibration almost instantly.
6 - Get Inspired
Listening, watching or reading stories that uplift your spirit are nourishing for the soul. You might enjoy stories of others who have achieved their dreams, or spiritual or philosophical teachers or people who have overcome adversities. There are many inspirational stories on YouTube, including TedTalks and other motivational speeches, to raise your vibration.
7 - Help Someone
Helping others can promote physiological changes in the brain that are linked to happiness. Altruism is hardwired into the brain and it creates feelings that are higher up on the emotional index, creating feelings of compassion, happiness, and kindness.
8 - Be Grateful
Gratitude is a similar vibrational frequency as love. It’s one of the highest vibrational frequencies that you can be in. It also creates feel good chemical releases in the body by making us feel good for what we already have rather than focusing on any lack. Taking a moment to think of 3 things that you are grateful for each day can be a great way to raise your vibration, or if you’re feeling in a funk, try thinking of something you’re grateful for from A-Z. It’s amazing how grateful you might suddenly find yourself for Xylophones and Zebras!
9 - Physical Movement
As well as being good for our health and physical wellbeing, physical movement can be a great way to shake off negative emotions and allow a more positive energy to flow through us. Whether it’s walking, running, dancing or playing a sport or game, changing your physical state can change your emotional state to a higher frequency.
10 - Do Something Different
The old phrase ‘a change is as good as a rest’ is actually true. Doing something outside of your routine can help disrupt thought, emotional and behavioural patterns and boost creativity. It can be something as simple as taking a different route somewhere, ordering something that isn’t your usual choice of food or drink, or taking a break or holiday. The break in habit creates space for new thoughts to come in, so focus on making them positive ones.
Raising your vibration doesn’t need to be time consuming or difficult, find the things that work for you and spend a few moments each day doing them. They will quite probably be things that you enjoy or feel are fun.
Which of these ways are your favourite? Why not find me on Facebook and/ or join my free group to let me know!
About the Author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.