Changing Your Core Beliefs
Over the last 2 weeks my blogs have explored how your thoughts and beliefs are connected to your vibrational state. The more negative the thoughts, the lower the vibration. If you’ve not read last week’s blog you can check it out here.
You might be thinking, all of that is well and good but how do you actually change your thoughts and beliefs? That’s what we are going to explore in more depth this week
The map is not the territory
A belief is an acceptance of something as being true, even without any proof. It’s a thought we believe as certain, and that we can rely upon to map out our own internal model of the world.
Everyone’s model is different, based on their own beliefs and perceptions.
Have you ever looked at an optical illusion picture which contains two or more images? Some people swear it shows an old woman, whereas others a young lady? Another common example is a picture that might be a pair of candle sticks, or if viewed differently a pair of faces. Both answers are right, it just depends on your perspective.
Most of the time we don’t see things how they are, we see them how we are.
Every day we are bombarded with information and the mind tries to process it to a level that we can manage – so it uses our beliefs as filters to interpret information. It also means that it tends to look for what it ‘knows’ or recognises.
Your mind is like a Smart-phone
The subconscious mind is often compared to a giant data warehouse of where we store all of our thoughts, feelings, memories, habits, behaviour patterns – but it’s more than just a warehouse, it’s like the operating system on a smart phone. It’s always running in the background without you ever needing to think about it, but that operating system is 95% of your overall mind!
Your beliefs are like apps – they are programs and patterns of learned behaviour that you pull up whenever you want to do or know something.
When you were a child, you learnt how, when, where and why you need to clean your teeth. At one point someone (probably a parent or guardian) told you how to brush your teeth. The toothbrush probably felt clunky (and even now when you change the toothbrush or head I bet it feels weird the first time you use it), maybe you squeezed the toothpaste tube and it when everywhere, you might have had a little sticker chart to reward you for cleaning them. Every time you repeated the behaviour you were creating a program, just like an app, and now each time you clean your teeth, you are mentally opening the app and running the software without needing to give it much conscious thought at all.
The mind’s number one job is to keep you safe.
For some of those programs (like cleaning your teeth, putting your seat belt on when you get in a car, or knowing how to safely cross a busy road) it’s easy to recognise that they are keeping us safe.
Whereas other beliefs might appear to be less helpful (like the beliefs many of us have about not being good enough in some way). Whilst those beliefs have drawbacks and create limitations, the mind is creating them because it thinks that they are necessary in order to keep us safe in some way – even if it’s not obvious to our conscious mind.
How to change core beliefs
If you had a bug in the code of your operating system, it might cause the phone to crash or the apps not work properly – just like limiting beliefs.
Often, we have been thinking our core beliefs for most of our life, even if we aren’t consciously aware of it. Whilst conscious mindset tools such as journaling or affirmations can help, to create lasting change, we need to reconstruct those beliefs at a subconscious level.
This is why hypnosis is so powerful for changing how we think and feel, because it opens up a window into the subconscious which allows information, memories, beliefs, feelings to be consciously recalled.
Then we can find the bug in the code, and see what changes we need to make in order to make the software run properly.
Once we can consciously become aware of all of that information which was hidden from view, we can process it, and retrain the subconscious mind to recognise that we are safe to change those beliefs, and that new beliefs can preserve all the safety features, without the limitations.
The more our core beliefs empower us, and create confidence, courage and proactivity, the more positive thoughts we think about ourselves, and in turn the higher the vibration and emotional state (see last week’s blog for more information on the scale of emotions and vibrations).
Imagine the version of yourself you could step into WITHOUT the beliefs which are currently holding you back.
Imagine having the highest level of self belief, self worth, self trust and self confidence that you can possibly have… how much would that unlock?
Using hypnosis to change your core beliefs doesn’t just raise your vibrations, it can be a life changing experience too.
About the author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.