Change your mindset, change your life
This is the 4th blog in this series, so if you want to know more about beliefs and vibrations check out the others from January 2022 here.
In the last few weeks, we have explored how to raise your vibrations, how beliefs and thoughts impact your vibrations, and how to change your core beliefs. Today we are going to explore why these are important for spiritual growth connection, and how they can change your mindset and vibration to change your life.
Everything in Life is Vibration – Albert Einstein
In the first blog in this sequence, we touched on the fact that everything is a vibration. Even physical objects that seem solid, are actually particles vibrating so fast that to, our eyes and touch, they appear to be solid.
The term vibration refers to the movements of atoms in a particle that are caused by energy, whereas frequency is the rate at which the vibrations occur. In other words, vibration simply means that everything is energy and as such is moving constantly, and frequency is the shape of the wave that it makes.
If you think about tuning in an analogue radio, where it was necessary to turn a right dial to find the right frequency, our emotional state and bodily energy are just the same. We can tune in to whatever frequency we want. As we explored in week one, there are lots of activities you can do to raise your vibration, but with the right self-talk and core beliefs you can consciously choose to do it.
The universe has your back
Every single thing is vibrating at a particular frequency, that includes you and me – we are like little vibrational antennae sending out our frequency of our thoughts and emotions to the universe.
Frequency is the language of the universe, and it’s always listening. The universe responds to the frequency that we are all vibrating at – and it reflects it right back at us. The universe can’t or doesn’t pick up on your hopes, wishes, desires or needs, it only understands the frequency you are vibrating at. What we transmit is what we receive! This is what’s called manifesting. If you’re feeling lower vibration emotions (see David Hawkins’ scale of consciousness) such as shame, guilt, apathy or fear – that’s exactly what you’re attracting, whereas if you transmit love, joy and abundance, you’ll receive exactly that.
But here’s the thing, for the universe to give you what you want – you have to know what you want and feel as though you already have it, so that you are vibrating at that frequency.
If you set an intention to create something you desire, but you’re focused on the lack of not having it right now, the universe will pick up on the vibration of lacking, and continue to feed that. Whereas if you can shift your vibrational state into the feeling of already having it, it opens the doors for the universe to deliver. Everything is available to us – we just have to be able to believe it’s possible and feel that it is already ours. That’s where your core beliefs come in – you have to believe that it’s available to you and be able to truly imagine having it.
If you don’t believe that you’re good enough, or that success is available, you’ll be transmitting lower level vibrations out to the universe.
Celebrate the milestones
Sometimes what we want can feel so far off that it’s hard to really truly imagine that it’s available to us, and to know what it feels like. In those cases, making small incremental changes can be stepping stones (or milestones) along the journey of getting there.
For example, if you want to create a 6-figure business, but so far, you’ve not made your first sale, the 6 figure dream could feel a million lightyears from where you are right now. But very few entrepreneurs go from 0 to 6 figures overnight, there are steps they take to get there.
Start by imagining your first sale – don’t worry about how it happens, just concentrate how it feels as if it’s just happened. What do you notice? Where do you notice it? How do you feel called to respond? Maybe you’ll be feeling excited, motivated, encouraged – try to focus on powerful positive emotions.
Then perhaps imagine how the next milestone feels – maybe that is your first three figure then first four figure months – then five figure months.
Start to really pay attention to how those milestones feel – emotions are a bit like a familiar coat, once we’ve worn them a couple of times, we can easily slip back into them. Pick them up regularly and put them on. Every time you do that you’re shifting your emotional state to the energetic frequency of receiving.
Be grateful
Once you know how your milestones feel, the next step is to shift your energy into feeling grateful for each of those stages. One of the best ways to ‘trick’ your mind into shifting into that energy state is to feel gratitude for already having it.
Gratitude automatically raises your vibrational frequency. It creates feelings of abundance, and focuses the mind to automatically feel good for what we already have. This naturally helps the mind look for more of what it recognises, which is lots of juicy positive things that make us feel good in this case.
Action wo-man
Manifesting without action is like an airplane with no engine!
The universe is really, truly amazing, and it will deliver everything you want, but it’s not a cosmic cash machine… you have to do some work too! The key is taking action from a place of alignment by listening to your intuition plus looking out for signs or synchronicities.
A few years ago, I decided to manifest an iPad. I got specific about what I wanted; something newer than the one I’d previously had which could no longer take upgrades and was too slow to use. Ideally something that would take a sim card so that I could work whilst travelling. I was perhaps not as ambitious or creative as I could have been! I put it out to the universe, imagined how it would feel once I had the new iPad, as well as how I’d feel being able to write blogs and social media posts whilst sat on the train. I felt grateful, then I surrendered it to the universe. The story might have ended there if I hadn’t have taken action.
The following day I mentioned to a friend that I was going to have to save up to get myself a new iPad. Shortly after they left the room and when they came back, they handed me a spare iPad that et my exact criteria! If I’d not taken action (i.e. told them what I wanted) they would never have been inspired to gift it to me. It didn’t happen in the way that I could ever have possibly imagined, but it was way more exciting and fun to receive it that way than to save up and go buy one.
Steps to manifesting your dreams
1. Be absolutely clear on what you want and ask for it– you need to have a clear vision in order for the universe to respond to it.
2. Truly believe that it’s available to you – check in with your core beliefs, are they empowering you or blocking you?
3. Shift your energy into a positive empowered frequency of already having what you want
4. Be grateful for having it
5. Take inspired action
6. Watch the magic unfold
It all starts with changing your thoughts to change the vibrations you send out, to THEN take the positive action needed to receive whatever you desire. Put another way…
Positive vibrations + inspired action= manifesting whatever you want in life!
That’s how changing your mindset really can change your life!
About the Author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.