What is a spiritually conscious entrepreneur?
When I’m asked what I do, I tell people I help spiritually conscious entrepreneurs to heal and clear past life karma, activate their Starseed origins and connect wholeheartedly to their soul-led calling.
The next question I’m often asked is ‘what’s a spiritually conscious entrepreneur?’ – so I thought that would be a great topic for this week’s blog. Firstly I want to say that this is my interpretation of what it means to be a spiritually conscious entrepreneur; for others it might mean something else entirely. And that’s OK. One of the things that I love about the metaphysical world is that nothing is a hard fact. It’s often an interpretation, and a very personal inner experience. Whilst this can be the exact same reason some people dismiss or poo-poo spiritual practices, for me – it’s what makes it magical.
I often work with healers, lightworkers and Starseeds who feel like they are here - in this life - for a reason or purpose that is greater than themselves. They recognise that in order to do so they need to increase their confidence, and heal or clear any mindset challenges that are holding them back, or from moving to the next level in their life or business.
What is a healer?
At the most fundamental level we are all healers! The human body is designed to naturally heal itself, but healers are those of us who help others to heal themselves. They might work with energies, use crystals, or through intuitive messages such as medical mediums or kinesiologists or they might be counsellors, therapists or psychologists. There are many gifts, skills and occupation that might be considered a healing profession, and of course medical practitioners fall into this category.
What is a Lightworker?
Some people credit the word ‘lightworker’ to the writing of Michael Mirdad in the 1980’s, with Doreen Virtue’s book ‘The Lightworkers Way’ in 1997 probably adding to this term of common vernacular.
Lightworkers are those of us who feel called to help others and to ‘bring light to the world’. In other words: to make the world a better place through helping others and sharing their gifts or wisdom. Often there is an expectation that a lightworker is someone who works in the ethereal world of energy, or can access cosmic planes of consciousness, but- in reality- the term describes anyone who feels like they have a purpose in life that is bigger than they are, that helps others (whether that’s people, animals or the environment) and brings joy through being themselves and through what they do.
Some of my client’s businesses are shaped and defined by spiritual practices, gifts or skills such as energy healers, psychic mediums or channelers, kinesiologists, whilst others have businesses which might seem more scientifically or earthly influenced such as coaches, artists, counsellors, therapists, interior designers or lawyers. All of which feel called to share their insight, wisdom or gifts with others for a purpose or calling which is bigger than themselves and which will benefit humanity in some way, yet they feel stuck; recognising that something inside of themselves is holding them back – more often than not it’s a fear that they aren’t good enough.
What is a Starseed?
Starseeds are those of us who feel that we came into this life having previously had incarnations or past lives in other worlds, planets, solar systems, galaxies or dimensions. There is often an etheric chord that ties them to another place. Starseeds are almost always lightworkers, but not all lightworkers will necessarily feel that they are a Starseed.
Obviously, there’s no scientific test to prove that Starseeds are ‘real’, but as I said earlier, the magic of the metaphysical world is often in the deep inner, and very personal experience. In recent years many scientists have invested in the theory of Panspermia - which hypothesis that life exists throughout the universe, and that the microbes that made up the origins of human life were unintentional contamination from another celestial body, carried though space on meteoroids, asteroids or comets.
Starseeds often feel that they don’t quite ‘fit in’ here on earth, even if they have had many previous lifetimes on this planet. Often Starseeds are highly empathic, and intuitive, and may be perceived as ‘sensitive’ souls.
Many Starseeds will have a sense of feeling that they are being called to go home, without a sense of where or what home might be. Some will feel this particular intensely when looking up at the inky blanket of stars in a clear night sky. Some might feel drawn or connected to a particular star, cluster or planet.
Starseeds usually feel that they were born into this life with a mission or a purpose which is important they fulfil in this lifetime. They don’t, however, know what that purpose is, yet might feel a sense of time running out. Not only is it frustrating but it can create anxiety about not fulfilling your purpose.
How I can help
As I mentioned earlier many of my client’s feel stuck in some way. They have a big dream, or purpose and yet they don’t feel able to take action; they procrastinate, avoid being visible or speaking their truth (often because they don’t feel safe to do so). They worry about what people will think (of them, their spiritual side, or their business), or what might happen if they try and fail. They might be asking themselves ‘who would want to buy from me’ or they might be worried about what might happen if they succeed beyond their wildest dreams, and how that will shape them, what they might have to sacrifice to get there or change their relationships with friends or family.
If they feel unsure, or unable to connect to their soul’s calling, they might want to know what their mission or purpose is in this life, or they have a sense that connecting to their Starseed origins will unlock a further level of their gifts.
I specialise in using spiritual hypnosis techniques to support my clients to identify mindset blocks and self-limiting beliefs from their current and past lives, both here on earth and in other planets, galaxies, realms or dimensions, so that they feel confident in themselves, free to be their authentic self, safe to speak their truth and feel empowered to take aligned action.
If you feel called to finally remove your blocks and re-programme your limiting beliefs to share your message, become more visible plus affirm your soul's purpose, then I would love to guide and support you. Drop me a line via the 'Contact me page’ or DM me on Social Media to find out how I can help you on your journey.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.