Finding Your Soul Tribe (and why it matters)
Last week I came back from a retreat especially for Starseeds. It was a fab get away, with lots of time and headspace to focus on myself and shift some layers – Just being in a room of light-minded souls created so much high frequency energy which created a bubble of transformation away from the 3D matrix of everyday life.
There were literally people from all over the world – the UK, US, Canada, the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, South Africa.... And the one thing that connected us was our spiritual consciousness. It was a safe space to share, grow, laugh, and even cry.
One of the most common topics of conversation was how amazing it is to find your soul tribe – and to be held in a safe space of love, light, compassion and healing. It felt like home; a belonging. I felt seen, supported and understood. In other words, I’d found my soul tribe.
What is a soul tribe?
Your soul tribe are the people that you can just 100% be yourself around – sharing your philosophy, beliefs, and spiritual woo-woo – without worrying what they are thinking and whether they are judging you. They just get you, and you get them. There’s an instant connection and you might feel like you’ve known them forever (and perhaps you have if they are also members of your spiritual soul group – but that’s a topic for another day).
Why finding your soul tribe matters
All human beings (even awakened ones!) need human connection. It’s wired into our DNA. Literally. If we turned back the evolutionary clock to our caveman ancestors, community developed in order to help us survive as a species. Our community would take care of us when we were sick, ensuring that food was shared out and everyone was fed, and protecting each other if we were under attack. For many spiritual beings in the 21st century, the 3D world that tells us that we are finite disconnected from the universal divine, scorns at our beliefs can be a harsh place to live as we don’t feel like we fit in to the norm.
If you’ve been through a spiritual awakening, you might have found that you have less in common with your old friends and family, as the things that used to interest you feel insignificant once your eyes are opened to the endless potential of being spiritually aware. That can be lonely. I remember reading Light is the New Black when I was exploring one layer of my spiritual awakening, and feeling a wave of relief; I wasn’t alone and I wasn’t crazy. We naturally want to talk about our experiences in order to process and understand them – but when some of our experiences are off the weirdness scale our nearest and dearest don’t always understand.
When you find your soul tribe however, they are the people you can open up to and talk about all the things that you might believe outside of societal norms – such as multi-dimensional consciousness, extra-terrestrial beings, past lives, soul groups, energy healing, angels, guides, ascended masters.... or whatever else you believe, know or sense – without fearing someone else’s judgement or rejection.
Being part of a community has been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and stress related illnesses, so it’s important to find your soul tribe.
How to call in your Soul Tribe
Set the Intention
The simplest way I’ve found to connect with like minded beings is to literally just set the intention! Put it out there to the universe and tell it that you’re ready – you want to connect with like minded beings.
Be willing to grow
YET... as effective as setting the intention is, we are still only likely to connect with those who are at our own level – so if you want to continue to develop as you’re calling in your community, you need to be willing to challenge yourself, go deep and release the programming of childhood or past lives to embrace self-acceptance and self-love. The more invested you are in your own personal and spiritual growth, the more you’ll attract others who are also willing to grow along side you.
Look for guidance
If you feel inspired to do something different it might be a nudge from the universe – walk a new route, try a new class – but follow those instincts. When I was looking to connect with like-minded new friends, I had put an intention out to the universe then- suddenly one day- I had an idea to see if there were any spiritual groups on MeetUp nearby – amazingly there was a group which met monthly in my nearest town, and had a space for to me to go along the following week! I made so many lovely connections and friendships, learning from others in the group.
What interests you?
After moving to a new part of the country I realised that I needed to start all over again – so I began by setting the intention. Over the next few weeks, I attended local yoga classes, sound baths and even found myself at a dowsing group – all of which had people who were spiritually awakened. People who think like you might also be interested in the same things as you are.
Take action
It can be intimidating to attend a new group or event, but remember that every person there was new at some point. Sometimes you just have to step outside of your comfort zone and be bold... who knows where (or who) it will lead you to.
If you’re looking for support to navigate your spiritual journey, see, understand and heal issues from this life, past lives or connect to your starseed origins you can book a free 15 minute call where we can have a chat about what you’d like support with and how I can help you.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and best selling author who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.