3 Ways to Feel Confident to Fulfil Your Soul’s Purpose
If, as I do, you believe in the concept of reincarnation and karma, you might have a sense that you were born into this life with a purpose – some kind of soul calling. Something that you have to do, something to learn, or even just discover who you need to be.
Some people expect that if they know and understand their soul’s purpose in this life, they will automatically feel confident to get out there and fulfil it. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always happen that way. More often than not, fulfilling our soul’s purpose can (and should!) take us outside of our comfort zone.
You see we do come into life (and each and every life) with a reason. Our soul reincarnates in order to grow – it does that through having human experiences. The choice to come into human form is not taken lightly. Let’s face it, Earth can be an amazing, beautiful place filled with love – and it can also be very, very challenging. There can be pain, suffering and trauma.
Pre-Life Planning
Before we are born, we attend a form of life planning session (I regularly regress client’s back to that time so that they can understand the roles of key people in their life, and what challenges they agree to come and experience). We pick and choose the life that we incarnate into based on what our soul most needs or wants to experience in order to develop and progress spiritually.
The challenges, difficulty and suffering that we experience are all part of that pre-agreed plan. Unfortunately, once we are in human form, we very quickly lose that knowledge, and the same experiences that help us grow can also be the same experiences that hold us back, keep us playing small or protects us - causing our confidence to drop.
Knowing Your Soul’s Purpose
When you get clear on what your soul’s purpose or calling is, you can take action knowing that you’re fully aligned to it. However, the human part; the ego, can still get in the way. It can cause us to question and doubt ourselves – do we just think this is what we are meant to be doing? Or is it really? What if I try and fail?
The ego can undermine the confidence to follow your heart and intuition by asking us if we are good enough, or worthy. My client’s regularly say that they have a little voice asking ‘who are you to do this?’ – have you ever experienced that?
If we let the ego take charge it can run amok and cause procrastination, avoidance, imposter syndrome and self-sabotage. If you’re experiencing this then keep reading for 3 simple but powerful steps to quieten your ego, get into alignment and unleash the confidence to fulfil your soul’s purpose.
1. The universe has your back
When we are in alignment with our soul’s purpose the universe will conspire to help you achieve it. If that’s not happening right now it’s easy to dismiss that what we thought was our soul’s purpose was just our ego, and move on to the next idea that we feel attracted to.
However, just knowing that something is your soul’s purpose isn’t enough to get the universe onboard to support you – you’ve got to be in complete alignment. That means that your thoughts, beliefs, actions and emotions are all completely onboard with the idea. If there’s any element of doubt, questioning, low self-worth and/or low in confidence then we are creating an energetic barrier.
2. The only (important) person who is judging you – is you
Once we have a sense of what our soul’s purpose is – it might mean some significant changes in our personal approach to life are needed; be it your philosophy, mindset, lifestyle, occupation or even relationships. That can be really hard unless everyone around us is supporting us and cheering us on.
It’s natural to worry about what other people will think when we make those changes – and that can show up as fear of judgement (tip: look out for thoughts along the line or ‘what will X say/ think if I do that?’. But for other people to judge us – we have to give them permission to do so. One of the biggest ways we do that is by first judging ourselves.
By letting go of self-judgement, it reclaims your personal energy – and removes the permission for anyone to judge you. Or - if they do - you no longer care or notice, because it no longer holds power over you.
3. True or False?
The ego really has one core job – to keep us alive by any means possible. In order to do so it looks for information that might create any kind of threat –then it creates a framework of beliefs around it. Unfortunately, not everything it creates is true. We just think that it is. One of the most common examples is public speaking – many people say that they ‘could never speak in front of people’, in fact there’s a statistic that more people wish they were in the coffin at funerals that giving the eulogy! But is that actually true?
Fundamentally, if you can speak to someone one to one, you can speak in front of many. It’s the same process of opening your mouth and using your vocal cords. But we all know that it doesn’t really work like that – because we feel afraid and believe that we can’t speak in public. With the right training and mindset support everyone can grow their confidence to speak in front of others. There’s an entire industry based around it.
Another example is from the 1950’s when there was much discussion about whether it was humanly possible to run the 4-minute mile; a goal that athletes had been chasing since the late 1800’s. Some people thought that it would cause a heart attack. Many highly competent athletes had tried and failed – it had become a mental barrier as much as a physical one. Of course, in 1954 Roger Bannister famously broke the barrier in 3 mins 59.4 seconds – but just 46 days later, an Australian runner broke the barrier again, and was a second faster. Since then, thousands of runners have broken the barrier that for decades was considered not humanly possible. Once they had seen that it was in fact possible – it opened up an entirely new possibility.
So, if you’re battling with the belief that you can’t do something that you feel is aligned with your soul’s calling or big big scary soul led goals, look around and identify someone who is already doing it (or something very similar) – if it’s possible for them, it’s possible for you too.
If you would love to navigate your spiritual journey, connect to your soul’s calling and unleash the confidence to fulfil it, then email me at helen@helenhardware.com and let’s arrange a chat about what you’d like support with and to explore how I can help.
About the author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.