Embrace your authentic self, speak your truth and get confident being visible


Hi, I’m Helen.

Soulful Confidence Coach

I help spiritual entrepreneurs believe at a soul level that they are good enough by healing their past emotional blocks, so they can have the confidence and courage to be visible as their authentic self to make their unique impact on the world.

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Are you a spiritually inspired coach, therapist, healer or lightworker who feels uncomfortable getting visible online?

I can help you to heal your soul so that you can feel good enough to speak your truth and be confident to be visible as your authentic self.

It’s time to learn to Love, Like and Trust yourself.

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Does this sound like you?

Being visible online makes you feel really uncomfortable

You don’t feel good enough to be successful

You worry about what other people will think of you, your business or your spirituality

You worry about what if you try and fail

You’re procrastinating rather than taking inspired action

You're struggling with imposter syndrome

I've been there!

In fact I didn’t even get my first business idea off the ground because I was so worried about what other people think!

It held me back until I found the secret of how to get past my fears and blocks, fully embrace who I am and put myself ‘out there’ without giving a dam about what anyone else thinks.

If only I’d known that from solving my fears, I would find my purpose and motivation in life ! My experiences were meant to be part of my journey so that I could help other entrepreneurs step out of the spiritual closet and know that they are good enough just as they are!

 What took me 3 years to figure out I now help other women deal with in as little as 6 weeks.

 If you are tired of getting in your own way, I’m here to help you reclaim your self-worth, speak your truth and get confident to be visible as your authentic self so that you can put yourself out there and make your unique impact on the world.

​You chose to incarnate at this time for a purpose; you were born to shine your light!

Imagine if you....

Felt good enough exactly as you are knowing that you are safe to show your authentic self to the world

Felt motivated and inspired to take action towards making your dream business a reality

Felt empowered to speak your truth without fear of judgement, rejection or failing

Trusted that you already have everything you need to be successful

Felt unstoppable and ready for success?

This is exactly what we work through in my 7 Pillar Believe Blueprint

  • What Clients say...

    “Before working with Helen, I was always doubting myself, with the constant feeling I wasn’t good enough or qualified enough to have my business. My transformation has been incredible! The way Helen has managed to reprogram my mind and put a stop to the limiting beliefs that have run the show for the best part of three decades has changed everything. Not only do I generally feel happier on a daily basis, truly believing I am worthy of good things, but just a few days after my healing hypnotherapy session session with Helen, I made my first £2000 in my business and opportunities now keep coming my way.” - Yasmin, Rotherham