Explore the Strange and Wonderful World of Past Lives on Other Planets
Experiencing Strange and Wonderful Other Worlds…
My client’s have described all sorts of incredible soul memories whilst in hypnosis - including journeys to jungle planets, deep purple skies, red dusty soil, or multiple moons! If you have ever had dreams, or regression experiences to places that look completely different to life as you know it on Earth - or if you identify as being a Starseed, you might be wondering why exploring past lives can help you in this lifetime.
Starseeds, if you’re not already familiar with the term, are those of us who sense, or know, that we have had lifetimes on other planets, galaxies, or even dimensions. Starseeds are not extra-terrestrial beings - they are completely human. However, an eternal part of them, may have lived lives before this one which were not in human form. Check out my previous blog about a Starseeds Journey here.
As a Starseed you might have had many past lives on Earth, or elsewhere, and exploring past lives is a great tool for personal and spiritual development. Some Starseeds will have incarnated on Earth for the first time – but you may have been here many, many times before.
There are theories which suggest that we are all ultimately Starseeds; whether we are aware of it or not. The hypothesis of Panspermia, was been around since the time of Ancient Greece. Panspermia suggests that life exists throughout the universe, and is spread across space through space dust, meteoroids, asteroids or comets. In other words, the essence of life is contained in cosmic space dust which seeds life where it lands. Just like planting seeds in the garden, some will land in places where the conditions are inhospitable for life, and nothing happens. Whilst some will settle in places where the conditions are just right to grow new terraforms.
But what I wanted to explore in today’s blog is the theory of reincarnation; and how our previous lifetimes, no matter where they are (and even between lives) can shape who we are today.
Exploring Past lives on Earth
You might have a sense that you have been here before. Maybe you are drawn to a particular time period of time, or historic event. Or it might be a place or culture that that you have always been fascinated by. It could be that you have knowledge of places that you’ve never been before. These are all indications that you have had past lives on Earth.
Some people spontaneously remember past life memories – and if you’re not prepared or adequately supported that can be a frightening experience. For others, you might glimpse scenes in meditation or have vivid experiences in your dreams.
One of the easiest and safest ways to explore your past lives on Earth is to experience past life regression. This is where hypnotic tools and processes are used to help you recall memories from past lives. It’s a very powerful and interesting experience, which involves being guided to deeply relax, slow down your conscious, questioning mind, and allow soul memories to come forwards.
Of course, some people will spontaneously regress to Starseed lives using this process, but most people regress back to past lives on Earth.
Exploring Past Lives on Other Planets or Dimensions
If you specifically want to explore your past lives off of Earth, there are special techniques to help you go even deeper back into your soul memories. You might have lived as a humanoid being, on an alien planet not too dissimilar to Earth. Or you could discover that you lived on an inter-planetary space craft. Or even that you have had lives in other, or higher dimensions which are not in physical form as we think of it in the current life, but in energetic forms; also called light beings.
When I take clients to their Starseed lifetimes, to open their Star connections, and access their Starseed gifts, I use a combination of techniques including Beyond Quantum Healing, and tools that I have developed from many hypnosis and spiritual experiences.
Why Exploring Past Lives Matters
No matter where we incarnate, we do so in order to experience. It’s through those experiences that our soul grows, develops and ultimately transcends back into the great universal consciousness of which we are all part. We choose to come into human form because it’s a hard option – it creates huge amounts of spiritual growth. It’s like taking a hard class because it comes with extra credits.
Exploring past lives enables you to understand what you learned from your past lives and apply that knowledge and wisdom today. It can also be an excellent tool to create healing by releasing karma that you’ve acquired in previous lifetimes – most especially here on Earth.
If you’re drawn to explore your past lives then book a free 15 minute call with Helen here to explore whether you are a good fit to work together.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and best selling author who helps Lightworkers and Starseeds to navigate their spiritual journey, uncover their souls calling and build the confidence to fulfil it.