Starseed Connections: The What, Why and How
The moment I knew...
One of the first books I read during the early stages of my spiritual awakening was Rebecca Campbell’s Light is the New Black. Amazon seemed to be recommending it every day, even though I’d never heard of the book OR the Author. I figured out eventually that the universe was sending me a sign, so I ordered it.
When I read the book, something clicked. I finally felt like I wasn’t going crazy or imagining things, and- more importantly- that I wasn’t alone. It rapidly became a book that I told everyone about, but the only person I was willing to lend my copy to was my mother, with the strict instructions to return it as soon as possible!
When I got the ‘Work You Light’ Oracle deck which goes with the book, I started regularly pulling the Lemuria, Akasha, Pleiades and Mintakan cards – that opened up a whole new world of spiritual exploration.
Remembering Why You Came
When Rebecca published Letters to a Starseed a couple of years ago, I actually resisted reading it because I was worried that it wouldn’t be as good. I’d had a growing sense of what it meant to be a Starseed, and although I hadn’t fully connected with my Starseed origins at that stage, I was pretty sure that I had a connection. Of course I eventually gave in and realised that deep down, I already knew exactly what was discussed.
What I love about Letters to a Starseed (apart from yet another stunning book cover) is that it’s an acknowledgement of what it means to be a Starseed on Earth at this time, plus it’s also a reminder that we chose to come into this life and this time for a reason. As Starseeds, sometimes life on Earth can feel overwhelming; we feel a deep-rooted calling to ‘home’ without knowing where that might be. We often feel like outsiders or that we don’t fit in.
Almost all Starseeds feel an urgency to remember something; about themselves, or their purpose or mission here on Earth. To accomplish what we came here to do; whether that’s something that our soul needs to experience or learn in order to develop, or whether there is a specific task that we need to complete or be involved with... we need to be consciously aware of our connection to the greater cosmic consciousness whilst being grounded in human form.
We are here, right now.
Incarnations on Earth involve beautiful emotions; love, joy, creativity, but whilst in this form we can also experience great depths of mental, physical and emotional pain. Sometimes just the sheer amount of ‘stuff’ going on around us (e.g. the global pandemic, global politics, media) can be too much for empathic souls and Starseeds.
If we distract ourselves, or disassociate from what it means to be human, we reduce the chance to fulfil our purpose. Yes the hard stuff is uncomfortable, painful even, but its from this darkness that we have the opportunity to grow. It’s not a matter of just repeating positive affirmations, but doing the shadow work; to connect with the unconscious thoughts, beliefs and patterns that shape how we think, feel and act.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, if we get lost in the 3D matrix of daily human life we can lose touch with the higher vibrational frequencies that connect us to the greater consciousness.
Call In Your Star Family
In his research into the Life Between Lives state, psychologist and researcher Michael Newton uncovered that soul’s often reincarnate in groups, or families. If your soul has incarnated on other planets, star cluster, galaxies or dimensions, your soul family may well have incarnated with you there as well as on Earth.
Connecting with your soul group can be a beautiful way to expand your experience here on Earth. Your soul group may be people who are close to you – or complete strangers who in some way shape your life.
But just like in the human world, connecting to the wider tribe and cultivating friendships with like minded people enriches the mind and expands potential. The right community will support and motivate you free from judgement.
When I read Light is the New Black, I put out a request to the universe to call in my tribe. Most of my friends at the time weren’t reading this type of book (despite my raving about it), as I was going through my spiritual awakening my vibrational frequency was changing and I felt that we had less in common than we used to. I wanted to talk energies, signs and connections but didn’t feel comfortable sharing my new found experiences (or, if I did, I was boring my friends to death).
Very quickly the universe answered, and I started to connect with people both globally online and locally in person (obviously pre 2020!). I finally felt like I had a community that I could discuss all things woo-woo with. Through connecting with new people my experiences and spiritual development expanded in ways I could never have imagined, and probably would never have explored alone.
Likewise, when I read Letters a Starseed I finally began to accept that part of myself, I put out a call to bring in a community that I could share these experiences, beliefs and even dimensions with. Just like before the universe delivered a beautiful community of Starseeds, who have supported and guided me – many of whom were quick to volunteer to be practice client’s as I developed my Starseed Activation sessions; and whom all had amazing experiences!
5 Steps to take on your Starseed Journey:
Discover whether you’re a Starseed: If you’ve ever looked up at the night sky and had a sense of connection or feel drawn to a particular planet, star cluster or galaxy you might well be a Starseed.
Do the Shadow Work: Be willing to go deep within and uncover who you really are by learning to connect to your inner self.
Uncover your Soul’s Calling: If you feel like you were put here for a reason, it’s because you were! Connect to the things that inspire, motivate and light you up. What does it feel like you’re here to learn or do?
Connect with your soul tribe: Put out a call to the universe to create connection and friendship with others who think and feel the way that you do. Support, encourage and motivate each other in your spiritual explorations. I have a tribe which is perfect for you! Join us at the Soulful Confidence Collective on Facebook.
Go deeper: If this post has connected with you on a deeper level, if you feel called to explore your origins, and especially if you feel drawn to the night’s sky yet unsure as to why then I would love to guide you on your journey. I offer 90-minute hypnotic Starseed sessions via zoom which enable you to connect more deeply with your multidimensional essence, provide insight, wisdom and clarity on past lives outside of human form, help you connect to your higher self, guides, angels, ascended masters (or even all of them - depending on who comes in to accompany you on the journey!) and re-connect to your soul’s calling or mission in your present life by experiencing a heart and energy-based regression. All you need is a good internet connection, somewhere quiet that you won’t be disturbed and, ideally, a set of headphones with a microphone... and I will guide you through the rest. Book a call with me if you’d like to talk it through.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is the Soulful Confidence Coach for spiritually inspired entrepreneurs who want to feel unstoppable.
Through her unique combination of coaching and spiritual hypnosis to clear blocks and karma from this life and from past lives, Helen helps her client’s to accelerate their business, personal and spiritual growth through self-empowerment.