Past Life Exploration: Discover Who You Were Before You Were You
‘Why don’t I remember my past life?’ someone posted in a past lives Facebook group, the truth is that most adults don’t recall their past lives without help and past life exploration is a magical, transformative experience.
What are past lives?
Past life experiences about reincarnation. In other words, your soul is a consciousness that continues after death. After death the soul usually takes a little rest and spiritual debrief in the ‘between life state’. At some point, your soul decides to returns into a human body in order to continue its growth through human experiences.
But I don’t remember my past lives!
Most adults have little or no conscious recall of their past lives, despite often having had many incarnations. However, it’s quite common for very young children under 7 to tell their parents about when they were ‘here before’.
Children with Past Life Recall
Sometimes children are able to recount key elements of their previous lives, such as their home town, job or even family. Some children even describe their death in their past life. Others describe how they remember someone from their past life - such as their parent in this life time being their child or even a spouse 'last time'. This is most commonly because we choose to reincarnation within our soul group or soul family. The TV show The Ghost in My Child documented families past life exploration to support their child.
Meeting your Soul Connections
I'm sure that you have met someone for the first time and felt an instant connection. This is when people say that they feel like they have ‘known each other forever’. Perhaps they have if they are a member of the same soul group! When you get this feeling its a sign that you have had a close bond with that person in a past life.
Spontaneous Past Life Recall
In exceptional instances some adults will spontaneously recall memories of their past life experiences. Some people experience them as fragmented memories. For others it feels more like a ‘knowing’ that something occurred rather than a visual memory. It might simply feel like a dream - or it might feel as tangible as your memory of what you did last week. Unfortunately, spontaneous past life recall can be traumatic to experience, because we are usually unprepared for what might come up.
Your past life exploration journey
Past life memories can be accessed safely and comfortably through a supported past life exploration process such as hypnotic regression. Past life regression is an interesting and rewarding experience that can:
increase self-understanding and self-awareness in this life
heal and clear energetic and karmic blocks that are keeping us stuck
provide insight into relationships
uncover your soul’s deepest desires and mission
During a past life regression session you will be gently guided into a deeply relaxed state, where you can access your soul memories, and discover who you were, what you did, and who you knew. Most importantly you can discover what elements you are carrying forwards into this life (karmic residue), and release and heal energetic blocks. You might even discover that your past life wasn't on Earth! Read my previous blog Explore the Strange and Wonderful World of Past Lives on Other Planets to find out what it means to be a 'Starseed'.
For more information on past life healing check out my other blogs here.
About the Author
Helen Hardware is a spiritual coach, hypnotherapist and best selling author who helps professional women to embrace their woo and their wow, and step out of the spiritual closet without worrying what anyone else thinks so they can unleash the confidence to fulfil their soul’s calling.